gd it i just stepped on my $5 phone clip that took 3.5 weeks to arrive - and it's half broke. gah.
lets see. friday i drove all over the Atl - i started out the day in McDonough, then went the scenic route to Peachtree city, then interstate to Norcross, then back to Lithonia and finally back to work in Covington. all to turn around in a lil after an hour, and drive to columbus.... lol.
yeah. left the house at like 8:50 or something for mcdonough, then got back to the office at 4 p.m. and i only took about 15 mins of personal time for lunch. the rest was driving and working. actualy 3h 45m was driving. the other (7h 10m - 3h 45m = 3h 25m) gah i drove 20 more mins than i worked... geeze. well once i got back i made some phone calls and did some more work in the office. got gas shortly after 5:30, saw
Stick from highschool - talked to him at the gas station for a few mins then headed to
Columbus, GA.
the only traffic i really dealt with was before panola rd. omg 2 cars pulled over on the side of the road (against the inside wall) caused 2m of backups... gah. 2h 15ish mins later i pulled into my sister's house. i took pics (i'll post later) showing i averaged liek 29.8mpg for the day, 5h 59m drivetime for the day, and averaging about 40 mph..... yeah. long day.
umm we ate at arbys, gotta love 4 for $5. meet up with some of her friends where we walked over to The Cannon and the 2 guys at supper. me and my sis at some cheese sticks (we had ate already.) i kept staring at all the waitresses there. they were hoooot. but some looked yoooung. lol. one was wearing super tight pants you could soo see her undies :P another one i swore was on crank cause she couldn't stop moving... on the way out i took a menu and got a smile outta a chick on the sidewalk :)
then we watched oh brother where art thou. i hated the move the first time i tried to watch it now it wasn't as bad. we played pool for a long time after that. brad texted me at 2:30 a.m. and i was still awake (not often does that happen.) somewhere around 3 we goto waffle house and eat (again) lol. at 4 we go home while the other 2 guys go back to drink beer before work (i bet that turned out well...)
sat morning was lazy. me and Reagan went to sears to checkout the sporting goods/fitness equipment. columbus sucks for sporting goods stores. sears was the best they had to offer. we did see a home gym that i'm going to get. it was $340 and looks slightly cheaply made, but works and seems good enough. then i forgot the sale prob ended on saturday.... oops.
this afternoon i head back, and stop by stonecrest on the way home. i made to from columubs to stonecrest in 1h 45m - not too bad of timing. i look at that same gym (i wanted to get it close to home) and i see the sale is on again - but this time for $299! woot! lol. they have none in stock but my by thursday. i may checkout another one from another mall... or i may just go back and put my name on the waiting list. i walk around the mall and find nothing so i leave.
i stopped by the sports authority (again...) the guy in there of course recogonized me (again...) but this time i said "i'm here to actually get those weights (maybe)" :) their sale had them down to $110 (hey, that's $5 more than from 2-3 weeks ago) and down from the $139 they were last week... so i get them and he says "you know we have coupons up front" so i grab that in the checkout - 10% off - that means these weights for $99 - sweet! :)
all i did afterwards is grab some dogfood and me food from kroger and came home. them weights are heavy. who would have thought 300 lbs was so heavy :P btw these are the weights that will go on the machine i'll get from sears. i liked that gym cause it had some safety features that will make it safer to life alone. and it has the lat pulldown and pulley on the bottom - and a removable bench with curling thing and leg stuff. lol.
i've been trying to do some pullups and pushups and crunches the past few days. i've had a pretty decent diet the past week, i could keep it up. really i'm just limited what i'm eating, trying to choose healthy drinks and foods, cutting out the junk, and limiting proportions. so far i've averaged like 165 lbs for the past week or 2 - which has been better then the 170-175 i've been for a while. i'd like to get down to the 155's - but that's no biggie. just as long as i can evenutally bench press my bodyweight, that's what my goal is :)
i kinda like the wasted feeling of tiredness - the crunches and stuff makes my arms and mainly abs soo weak. i really wanna lose my gut - that's the other goal i have. i want to strengthen my body, but lose the excess i've accumulated.
hmm what else.. i've got the tv hooked up in my room. i haven't had a tv in my room in like 2.5 years now. lol. i found out mtv really does play music videos in the morning.
umm... new dvd burner capable of doing 16x woowoo! bought 100 blank dvd's and 100 blank cd's last weekend. already used about 1/8th of the dvd's. i'm downloading Need for Speed Carbon right now - the commercial looked cool. actually i downloaded and never played most wanted. and i really didn't play underground 2. i played underground 1 some. i never did get into Porsche unlimited or 3 or 2 or 1...
ok i was in bed, til i head the aol IM sound on tv, and thought it was mine. i was wrong so i decided to write in my blog. g'night folks!