wow. googled
1 mile per 48.6 seconds to mph and i got 74.0740741 mph. it was taking me exactly, and i mean exactly 48.6 seconds per mile going down the interstate to do each mile (like 5 in a row). but my speedometer said i was doing ~77mph =-0
aah what a weeekend. or almost a month since i posted. not much new going on. the last 2 weekends i've helped Mike wiht Peacock Communications run some network cabling (and made some decent money). this past weekend i went to see crystal's dad's family in forsythe. in recent weeks me an crystal had been arging more and more, but i do belive we've worked alot of things out. it just took some long deep conversations, face to face. and i think this weekend helped too :)
yeah, this weekend. nearly everyone was getting drunk. well, except for the sub 21 members, the mom responsible for a baby, and me and crystal, lol. i had about 2 margritas, but they were both so far apart from each ohter i felt nothing. i knew i had to drive, and i sure didn't know where i was, so i wasn't going to do anything stupid. even if i hadn't of driven, i don't know if i could have gotton drunk. they had like 4 coolers full of beer... *puke* lol
ok we get to Jimmy's house first, and nobody is home. and 0 cell phoen reception. so we walk to the top of the hill to get 1 bar of coverage, where crystal calls her dad for directions to where they're at. he rattles off 15 miles and 8 turns worth of directions... which even i couldn't remember if i had of heard them. so we head out, drive about 10 mile (we thought, er, maybe i thought, that we were gonna drive 5-6, maybe 8 miles total). when we get to a road that wasn't on our memorized direction list, we called again. this time we wrote them down (cause we were in the car) and followed them on out to Tom's house. we passed a piggly wiggly, i swear that may be the biggest store in the whole town.
we arrive at tom's house not long before the sun is about to fall behind the treeline. nice house, i just couldn't stand not having a driveway. i found out later that his marriage is crazy, something liek tom married his exwife's sister... or something. and the ex went on vacation and came back married? i dunno it twas odd.
anyways after we hung out there for a few hours the 2 least drunk ppl drive (and we followed) back to jimmy's house. we went a different way that i think was shorter (maybe) but seemed quicker... it was all 'backroads' well, instead of 1/2 the route being dirt, 3/4 was :P back at jimmy's house we change into swimming suits and hit the pool. it was nice until "the 3 boys" (patrick [crystal's bro], ryan [lived there] and brandon [crystal's step mom's son]) got in. we were offered the hot tub earlier, so we got out of the pool and got in that. jimmy and karen, then crystal's dad and rita started to get in. it was still plesant until the 3 boys got in also.... after a few mins of that we got out of that and took some pictures of the stars and each other and stuff. there were alot of stars out. after everone got outta the tub, we got back in, i stayed for a min then after pelting sweat, cooled off in the pool then went inside for bed.
we stayed in josh's room. he had a nice big comfortable bed. everyone joked the animals were gonna watch us. then i realized that the stuffed deerhead and squirrel and stuff is what they were talking about. we watched the huge like 32" tv with no remote then went to sleep around 1-2 a.m. i think. i woke up about 9:30, coudln't go back to sleep so we got up and found some food.
most everyone was recovering from a hangover... and the boys didn't get up until nearly noon. josh came back and his girlfriend nearly looked pissed. dunnno, just the way it look. hung out outside til it got too hot. inside there was this bop-it game where it calls out "twist it" "pull it" "bop it" etc. it said the high score was 88, and patrick got i think 34, crystal got i think in the 20's? high teens? i got 65 i belive until jimmy distracted me by saying i needed to move my car over. oh well.
after a while we went back outside, alot more ppl showed up. alot not related to anyone, they were just friends of jimmy. crystal thinks jimmy and karen may have been swingers... i think so too. they seemed just kinda.... 'odd' liek that. the pool stayed crazy so we stayed out, not to mention the sun was beaming down on the pool. the deck had a roof over it so it wasn't horrible. we both took pics of random things.
eventually everyone started riding aroudn on the 4 wheelers. everyone had a damn 4 wheeler down there. there was prob over a dozen of them down there. patrick took me and crystal on a ride way back into the woods and through the creek. his 4 wheeler was nice and would go nearly anywhere. except when the sand ate his and his bro had to go bail him out hehe.
hmmm... few hours late we ate again, said our goodbyes then left. going down the interstate wiht my cruise on, i paced off at least 5 mile markers and got right at that 48.6 seconds per mile i spoke of earlier. came back to her house, i passed out on the couch again, then came home and went right to bed. 'bout sums up this weekend so far :P i belive everyone's coming over tonight to shoot fireworks and/or drink. we'll see.
now to post pics of this weekend and the past few weeks :)