omg i'm such a slack ass. 6 days since a post =-0
and wow. my 0 key feels a little stick =-
lets start with the most recent and maybe work my way back. yesterday chris moved out! twas kinda sad. i felt like i was breaking up with someone, that akward "ok it's time to give that person the distance" kinda like, but, eh, whatever. lol. josh anderson came over before lunch, and chris got back from his first load, then we loaded all the vehicles and took a load. josh's truck had the bed stuff and my truck had all the furniture pieces (entertainment center and computer desk). we were able to get everything except the pc monitor, tv and cats. so chris still had to come back to get that, otherwise i was impressed that we got everythign liek we did.
after we took chris's first load, we went to melanie's house to help her with some of her big stuff. was funny, chris said "yeah, she lives about 2 miles away" i said "i thought she said 2.67" and he goes "ugh" or something like that. (acutually it was 2.63 [i think]) melanie already had at least 1 load of stuff in the apartment when we got there, i'm assuming her and her mom's car? there was ALOT of stuff in the place. and we got a bed of a truck full, carload, and my truck had like 3 shelves and a small end table. poor chris :P
so yeah, after it was all and done, we left, came back to my house (well, i think josh went home, and chris and melanie got the cats and such). i needed some printer ink, and i called work and they were busy, so LFD was supposed to call me back. about 20 mins later brad called me back (so the message was passed, good job LFD!) hehe um i told brad "i need a BCI-24" and he goes "omg, you are no goin to believe this.... the guy walking out the door -right-now- just bought the last one..." oh well. pc afterdark is overprice anyways :) plus josh said "i think i have one of those for an old printer..." so hah, nice.
after 5 brad came over, so me crystal and brad went to carmax in southlake.... o m g i found my car. i do'tn want to look anymore. i found it. 1999 BMW 323 iS 2 door coupe. it is 2 door. i have a 2 door now, and wish i had got a 4. but oh well. it flies, is smooth, fuel efficent, takes off, perfect looking leather, sun roof, badass stock sound system... omg omg omg :) nicely priced, i really want dad to see it first before i buy. but i did my research last night. parts that might go bad: an alternator costs about $200 (compared to my explorer's $130) tires cost $65 (compare to $85) battery and spark plugs same price, umm water pump i think was similar price... it didn't seem horrible to maintain. god i hope not =-\ but today i plan to try to drag dad down to see it. it better fucking not be gone.
hrm, after that we went back to chris's apartment. poor chris :P they were still unpacking boxes (oviously, it had only been 3-4 hours since i last left). it was the best timing when chirs pulled out a plaque with a knive on it and said "where can i hang this?" and melanie goes "we need to have a yard sale". wow. me and brad were almost kinda provoking some stuff, but, we held back. i said "what would you sell?" brad goes "chris's stuff" and melanie said "well, not all of it.." i added "so what, most of it?" wow. me crystal and brad were just trying not to roll around laughing. then chris started askin "why my stuff like this?" and melanie goes "cause it's useless and in the way" chris goes "how about this whole shelf of crap?" phew it could have gotton really ugly... i guess if they make it through the first few days then it should last alot longer. tho day 1 looked pretty damn rough.
hrm, after that we went to wangs and thangs. oops, crystal's voice :) "wings and things" is the real name. :P michelle was working and she look piiiiiissed. we sat down and had the most interesting conversation that i'm sure brad felt quite aqward at... more of a "i can't belive she just said that - cause she's a chick!" hehe yes it was great :)
left there dropped crystal off on the way back to my hosue, then me and brad came back. looked at my crappy messy house and did the research on the car. brad left kidna late and i had a pretty good convo with crystal til the wee hours of the morning. i also vaccummed chris's old room and preped some of the walls (by sanding off some stuff) i need to get some new wall spackle and i'll repaint it, and some carpet shampoo. make the room look new :) this time i better have enough motivation to go ahead and paint the hallway too. it's kinda shotty looking.
ugh. that was saturday. the rest fo the week was just working, seeing my crystal :) sleep. tuesday was me and crystal's 1 month. seems liek maybe 2 weeks, time is just passing by so fast. prob by this time next week it'll be 3 months or somethign =-0
phew. enough typing for now. i need to do more daily updates. i suck. g'bye :)